Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pink Slip Perriello

Virginia Republican State Party Chairman Pat Mullins announced today a new effort to oust 5th district Democrat Tom Perriello.
"Never forget who you work for. It's a rule that applies from the CEO's office to the owner of a local mom and pop convenience store," said Mullins. "Unfortunately for the people of the 5th Congressional District, their employee in the U.S. House of Representatives seems to have forgotten that."

"When voters packed town hall meetings to tell Democrat Tom Perriello in no uncertain terms that ObamaCare was a non-starter, he told folks that he opposed the bill. But as soon as he was back in D.C., he listened to Nancy Pelosi and voted not once, but twice, for the federal takeover of our healthcare system and in the process voted to raise taxes things like allergy medicine, oxygen tanks, and pacemakers," Mullins said.

"That's why we're launching 'PinkSlip Perriello,' ( a web site that will act as a central hub to help Tom's employers in the 5th District review his job performance and send him packing in November," he said. "Tom seems to think he works for Nancy Pelosi instead of the people of the 5th District. Whether it's cap and trade, the health care take over, or an exploding federal budget, when Nancy says 'Vote Yes,' Tom Perriello says 'Yes Madame Speaker!'"

"Tom says he voted for the health care bill in part because it would reduce President Obama's staggering budget deficits. But the only way the bill comes close to helping the government's bottom line is by cutting Medicaid payments to places like Carilion Clinic and Martinsville Memorial Hospital by 21 percent," he said. "Putting that money back put the country another $59 billion into an already frighteningly-deep hole."

"When our economy needed government to get out of the way, and working families needed to keep more of what they earned, Tom ignored them, and instead voted to spend $1 trillion of our children and grandchildren's money to study 'Malt Liquor and Marijuana Consumption, drunk mice and 'socially conscious puppet shows,'" Mullins said.

"Congress could have spent the same amount of money and given every worker in the U.S. a year without paying payroll taxes.," he said. "But that was a non-starter for Perriello and his fellow Democrats, since it wouldn't let them pay off their liberal friends and union backers using your money."

"Tom, it doesn't appear that you understand that you work for the people of the 5th Congressional District, not Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama," Mullins said. "Come November, your employers will be presenting you with a pink slip, so please start packing up your office. You'll be receiving formal notification of your dismissal the evening of Nov. 2."

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