Monday, September 13, 2010

Fimian Accuses Connolly of a Smear Campaign

Tim Edson, Campaign Manager for Keith Fimian, released the following statement today in response to numerous reports that Gerry Connolly and his allies are launching automated push polls against Keith Fimian:

“Down in the polls and desperately trying to hide from his failed economic policies and lockstep support for Speaker Pelosi’s big government, big spending agenda, Congressman Connolly and his allies are resorting to lies and personal smears against Keith Fimian.

Instead of standing on his record and defending his votes for bigger government and more spending, voters across the 11th District have been receiving phone calls from Congressman Connolly attacking Keith Fimian’s integrity with the same tired lies and distortions that were discredited by news outlets two years ago.

Voters are fed-up of the reckless spending and failed economic policies coming out of Washington. They are just as tired of the double speak, blame games and personal attacks used by career politicians like Congressman Connolly to try to distract from their failed records. If Gerry Connolly’s votes for reckless spending, higher taxes and fewer jobs does not give voters enough reason to fire him, his mean spirited, out-of-touch personal attacks certainly do.”

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