Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Why I trust Ed Gillespie

The following is a guest post by my friend Ron Meyer. Ron is President of Springboard Media Strategies LLC.

"It’s time to unite behind Ed Gillespie so we can beat Mark Warner in November.

Not only is Ed the only candidate with the resources to expose Mark Warner’s radical voting record, but Ed also has a message that will inspire new voters to join our movement.

Ed gets it. At a recent event, he explained to the crowd how he plans to make big gains with young voters: by offering better economic opportunity. Young Americans—devastated by the Warner-Obama policies of the last six years—are ready to hear Ed’s fresh message.

That’s why I’m confident Ed will deliver these votes, but more importantly, I’m confident Ed will fight for the next generation and all generations when he is elected as our next senator.

Another one of Ed’s great strengths is his ability to bring people together. In this campaign, I have seen all the supposed factions of the Party come together—a rare accomplishment lately in Virginia. He has support from conservatives, libertarians, moderates, Tea Party members, and the business community.

That’s the type of coalition we need for November. That’s the coalition we need to implement conservative ideas in Washington. That’s the coalition I hope you will join with me this Saturday at the convention in Roanoke.

Click here to connect with Ed’s social media pages. And, click here to donate to Ed’s campaign."

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