Monday, November 26, 2007

Virginia Republicans oust Stosch

Responding to conservatives, and the elections results from earlier this month, Virginia Senate Republicans voted to replace Senator Walter Stosch as their leader.

In a closed door meeting the caucus named Sen. Thomas K. Norment Jr., of Williamsburg minority leader. The excitement conservatives feel about the removal of Stosch may be dampened a bit when considering that Norment is viewed as a moderate.

Conservatives had hoped to take over the Leadership however such a takeover failed to materialize. While the goal of ousting Stosch was achieved, his replacement is probably not much of an improvement to Stosch.

Conservative senators had been unhappy with Stosch for several years, and the election returns seemed to provide the push that was needed.

In other results Sen. Kenneth W. Stolle, Virginia Beach, moved up a position to Republican leader pro tempore, which was previously held by Norment.

Also, Mark D. Obenshain, of Harrisonburg, and Frank W. Wagner, of Virginia Beach, were named minority whips. And Stephen Newman, of Lynchburg, was elected Republican caucus chairman. The addition of Obenshain and Newman to the Leadership should please conservatives.


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