Yesterday, at a news conference in Richmond, Governor Tim Kaine (D) unveiled a proposal to increase taxes in order to raise money he says will help solve Virginia’s transportation problems. The proposal calls for hitting
The tax measures include increasing the sales tax by a full cent in
In a news conference yesterday Governor Kaine told reporters that an increase in taxes was necessary, and that without it the state would run out of money to build roads. Kaine said, “The General Assembly needs to act because its reputation is at stake, and the reputation of our state is at stake." He went on to say, “This plan will improve safety, it will provide relief to the two most congested parts of
The General Assembly has tried for several years to deal with transportation funding. Last year they were forced, by their constituents, to repeal the unpopular abusive-driver fees, then the state Supreme Court struck down the regional taxing authorities which the Legislature set up to fund transportation. The court ruled that the taxing authorities were unconstitiotal because only the elected legislature can raise taxes, not an unelected panel.
Now the Governor unveils his plan, which at least so far doesn’t have much support in the General Assembly. Fairfax Del. Dave Albo (R-Fairfax) said the plan has “0.000 percent chance" of winning approval. House Minority Whip Del. Kirk Cox (
Senate Majority Leader Richard Saslaw (D-Fairfax) has his own reservations about the plan saying it doesn’t do anything to tax motorists living outside the state, but share’s the Governor’s view that something needs to be done to put money in the state’s coffers.
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