Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fairfax County voters narrowly elect Sharon Bulova chairman of the Board of Supervisors.

Perhaps Fairfax County is not as blue as the Democrats think. The Democrat candidate Sharon Bulova won the election by a razor thin margin of 1,217 votes, out of a total of 107,713 cast. Nearly half of the vote went to the Republican candidate.

Herrity lost by just 1 percent in the final vote tally. There were many bright spots - wins in four magisterial districts - Dranesville, Mount Vernon, Springfield and Sully, Herrity also won the absentee ballot campaign, and had a large and energized grassroots campaign. He can take pride in the fact that he ran a clean and honest campaign filled with promise for a better Fairfax County.

The results may also suggest some ominous news for Democrats. For example in the 34th District, a seat held by freshman Democrat Del. Margi Vanderhye, 12 out of 16 precincts went for Herrity (Spring Hill, Great Falls, Hickory, Sugarland, Seneca, Forestville, Cooper, Kenmore, Churchill, Colvin, Shouse, Langley).

Also the 86th District, a seat Dems think they can pick up from Del. Tom Rust, 3 out of 4 Dranesville precincts went for Herrity (Herndons 2-3, Huchinson).

Also, the news may not be so good for Dem. Gov. candidate Terry McAuliffe, who opened a campaign office for Bulova in McLean – Hey Terry it does not matter how much out of state money you raise if you can’t run better in Fairfax county than Bulova you will have trouble winning statewide.

Herrity ran a good race, and no doubt he will be back.

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