Monday, October 19, 2009

Washington Post endorses Deeds for second time in five months

In a move that was expected, The Washington Post endorsed Democrat Creigh Deeds for Governor - again! The first time was in June during the Democrat primary, and now for the General election the left leaning Post has thrown their support to the Democrat Deeds. The Post cited Deeds desire to raise taxes as the main reason for the endorsement this time.

The Post writes:
Following a road map used successfully in 1986, he would appoint a bipartisan commission to forge a consensus on transportation funding, with the full expectation that new taxes would be part of the mix.

The Post is referring to former Governor Gerald Baliles, who as Governor set up a panel to propose solutions to our transportation problems. One of the main purposes of the commission was to give Baliles some political cover. For those of you that don't remember Gerry Baliles campaigned for Governor promising not to raise taxes. Once elected Baliles needed to find a way to get out of that promise so he appointed a "Blue Ribbon"commission to advise him that he needed to raise taxes to solve our transportation needs. In the end, Virginians got higher taxes, and adding insult to injury still got to keep the badly clogged roads.

There is also some irony to the Washington Post endorsement of Creigh Deeds. They endorsed him because they claim he plans to raise taxes, which Deeds still adamantly denies.

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