Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Fundraising Numbers Show Rigell Campaign is Slipping

The 2nd district primary battle is still wide open, but the latest FEC filings suggest that perhaps there is a front runner. General Bert Mizusawa (USAR) posted impressive numbers in the latest Federal Election Commission filings, receiving more contributions during the last three months than any of his competitors.

According to a press release fom the Mizusawa campaign:
Mizusawa led all Republicans in the Second Congressional District with $145,548.80 collected from contributors between January 1 and March 31 of this year. Scott Rigell came in second to Mizusawa with only $126,000 raised from contributors. This is the second consecutive fundraising period Mizusawa has received more contributions than Rigell and his other opponents.

Shawn Pattison, manager for the Mizusawa campaign, said "the fundraising numbers reflect a growing excitement about Bert Mizusawa's message of conservative, experienced leadership. Second District voters are responding with enthusiasm to Bert and his positive, conservative message. They know Bert has the experience and the character to change Washington, and Republican donors are responding to Bert's message in exciting numbers."

"These latest finance reports point to what is becoming more obvious with each passing day - the Republican nomination fight in VA-02 is a two-way contest between Bert Mizusawa and Scott Rigell. While Rigell has been running twice as long as Mizusawa, Mizusawa clearly has the momentum in this race to win on June 8th."

Among other highlights from the most recent reports:
* The Mizusawa campaign has nearly two and one-half times the Cash-On-Hand as the Taylor, Maulbeck and Loyola campaigns combined.

* Through personal loans and direct personal contributions, Scott Rigell has now financed nearly 56% of his campaign with his own checkbook. This does not count additional contributions from his wife and family members.

* During the last quarter, the Rigell campaign went into "deficit-spending mode," spending more than double what they received from contributors. Rigell's personal contribution of $273,000 to his own campaign did not even cover campaign expenditures for the last three months. By contrast, Mizusawa has shown he not only preaches fiscal conservatism, he practices it.

"Republicans are turning away from status quo candidates who go-along to get-along in Washington," said Pattison. Republican voters and Republican donors know we need someone with the conservative values and the broad experience to provide change and leadership in Washington. That's why the grassroots momentum and the donor momentum in this race is with Bert Mizusawa for Congress."

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