Thursday, January 20, 2011

Obenshain Introduces The Governors ABC Privatization Bill

Yesterday State Senator Mark Obenshain formally introduced Governor McDonnell’s ABC privatization bill.  He also introduced his own bill, which privatizes both the wholesale and the retail operations of the state run ABC stores.  In a statement Obenshain said:
"Today I introduced the Governor's ABC privatization bill. The bill proposes to privatize the retail side of the ABC business only and it will cash flow with no loss of annual revenue and it will generate approx. $300 million in one time funds through the sale of licenses. I have a second bill (not the Governor's) that would also privatize the wholesale side of the business. Senator John Watkins, my seat mate and longtime privatization advocate is chief co-patron on both bills."


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see this, and the privatization needs to go through. The government has no business being in business. Selling alcohol is properly a private enterprise. For me, this is a philosophical position.

As for the technicalities, I say "figure it out" and just pass the thing. If it costs us a little bit of money to dump the stores then so be it.

Tom Seeman

The Virginia Gentleman said...

Hey Tom! I agree with you. The state should get out of the business of selling alcohol.