Friday, March 4, 2011

Allen Takes a Commanding Lead

Yogi Berra once said it ain’t over til it's over, and maybe things could change, but let’s face it, the battle for the Republican Senate nomination is all but finished.  Sorry Yogi, but it is true.  Over the last several weeks Allen has consolidated conservative support all across the commonwealth.  But don't just take my word for it, a new poll shows Allen leading his two Republican primary opponents by a huge margin.  A new poll released this week, Public Policy Polling -- found Allen was well ahead of all those competitors in a hypothetical matchup. Against those four opponents, the poll included Corey Stewart, Allen got 67 percent, while Marshall earned 7 percent, Radtke 4 percent and Stewart and McCormick 3 percent apiece.  Heck, if I decided to run I'd probably be at 2 percent.  No worries George I am not running.

Allen is clearly the GOP’s best hope in picking up a Senate seat here in Virginia.  Allen is a strong conservative, as well as a proven election day winner.

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