Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Scott Martin for State Senate!

The following is a guest post from Fairfax County resident and GOP activist Mike Thompson.

"I now live in a new State Senate District – where Miller Baker and Scott Martin are running for the Republican nomination – a district that weaves from Prince William County through Fairfax Station and Clifton and meanders over to Alexandria.  It is a district that we can win with the right candidate.
I had thought I would just stay out of this race since I have good friends on both sides.  But as we enter the final few weeks of this primary race, it has become clear to me that one  of these candidates has stitched together a more impressive organization and offers experience that is a better ‘fit’ for this particular senate district.
 I will support whoever wins this nomination, but I will be voting for Scott Martin in the August 23 Primary.  Here’s why.
 Scott has put together an organization that brings the two most powerful pieces of the winning Republican coalition together – the Tea Party (Fairfax County and Prince William County Tea Parties actively support Scott) and the Business Leaders who understand that state government must keep our taxes and regulations low.  These leaders include some of the most successful in our community and simply far outshine those of other candidates and show why I support Scott.  See Scott’s website:
To win in the fall, our Republican candidate must have the enthusiasm of the Tea Party activists and the support of the business community.  Scott is a successful Dean at George Mason University where he teaches cutting edge computer technology for business development.  He has helped several companies become successful by serving as an active member of the Board of Directors.  And he has shown that he can appeal to a broad cross-section of voters who were born here in the United States and those naturalized citizens who came here to have a chance at the “American Dream.”
Frankly, a successful business/technology Dean at George Mason University, who is a reasoned and rational conservative with a foot solidly in the Tea Party and Business camps, connects very well with the voters in this particular senate district.  Scotts does this well.
 After watching this primary unfold, I feel Scott has the best opportunity to win this fall.  And, after all, that is what we have to do – nominate the best candidate for this fall.  To my mind, that is Scott Martin.
 Please join me in voting for Scott on Tuesday, August 23. If you don’t live in this senate district, please call those you know who do live here and ask them to vote for Scott Martin."

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