The following is a release from the Governors office:
"Today is a great day in Virginia. We just got the official word from the Bureau of Labor Statistics that the Commonwealth’s unemployment rate has hit a four year low. The state unemployment rate fell to 5.5% in December, that’s the lowest unemployment rate here in Virginia since December 2008. That is great news for all Virginians.
Since the Governor took office he and his team have focused like a laser on job creation. The campaign was “Bob’s for Job’s.” And that’s been the focus and the purpose of the Administration from day one in office.
The results speak for themselves. The Governor has brought Republicans and Democrats together to put in place policies that have helped the private sector to grow, expand, and create good-paying jobs for our citizens. When the Governor took the oath of office in January 2010 our unemployment rate was 7.3%. Today, it’s down to 5.5%. Over 150,000 net new jobs have been created in the state during that time. Virginia now has the second lowest unemployment rate east of the Mississippi, and the lowest unemployment rate in the Southeast.
This is great progress. And it’s happening because in Virginia we celebrate private sector job creators, and we put in place policies that make it easier for them to be successful, and more Virginians to be employed as a result. Now, we have to keep this momentum going.
A strong economy depends upon many factors. One of the most important: transportation. That’s why the Governor has put forward the boldest transportation plan the Commonwealth has seen in decades. His plan will put Virginia on the path to long-term funding sustainability. Right now we face declining transportation revenue, and a serious crisis in future funding projections. The Governor’s plan fixes that. It pumps an additional $3.1 billion into our roads and rail over just the next five years alone, while eliminating the gas tax you pay at the pump. It makes Virginia a national leader. And that is why it has strong support from groups like the Virginia Chamber of Commerce, The Northern Virginia Technology Council, the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce, The Fairfax Chamber of Commerce and on and on.
To keep our economy growing and our unemployment rate falling, we need this bill. If you get a moment over the holiday weekend please pick up the phone or click the mouse and let your local delegate and senator know you want this bill passed. Virginia needs this transportation plan. You can contact your legislators by going here.
Again, thanks for all that you are doing to keep Virginia’s economy growing strong. We appreciate it your support and your partnership. Together, we’re building a true “Commonwealth of Opportunity.”"
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