Monday, July 1, 2013

Global Warming Terry

My friend Garren Shipley with the RPV released a statement about Terry’s campaign friend:

"Terry McAuliffe is making campaign stops with climate researcher Dr. Michael Mann this morning. That brings to mind a simple, yet very important question.

Terry spent last week trying to distance himself from President Obama's war on coal, Dr. Mann, on the other hand, has embraced the President's plan.

That being said, does Terry agree with Dr. Mann that:
"...We need a comprehensive energy and climate policy that prices carbon pollution and levels the playing field for renewable sources of energy that are not degrading our climate and planet.

"[President Obama's] call for carbon emission limits on *all* coal-fired power plants, not just newly built plants, is a bold step forward..."

"...President Obama should be applauded for the bold leadership he has shown in confronting the climate change threat head on."

It's a simple question. But one that deserves an answer."

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