Tuesday, January 20, 2009

House Republicans Kill Fraud Bill

Thankfully a House of Delegates subcommittee voted down a bill which might have led to more election fraud. And while I am not claiming that the bill was designed to increase election fraud, I do have my suspicions.

Today the House Privileges and Elections Committee tabled a bill which according to its Democrat sponsors was designed to make it easier for voters to vote early (and perhaps often). According to the Washington Post:

“The state now requires voters to provide one of 17 acceptable reasons to qualify for an absentee ballot, among them being disabled, ill, pregnant or out of town on Election Day. Under the proposal, those wishing to vote absentee by mail would still have been required to meet one of the requirements.”

I have been a Virginia voter for 20 years, and I have never missed an election. Voting is already easy. I have noticed that whenever Democrats pass legislation to make voting ‘easier’ it always leads to more fraud; see motor voter.

Kudos to the House GOP.

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