Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Washington Post Warns 'Fairfax Chairman Race May Be Tight.'

The Virginia Democrat party's public relations arm, The Washington Post, ran an ominous story today in which they warned their mostly Democrat readership that if turnout is low Republicans may reclaim the chairmanship of the Fairfax County board of supervisors.

The race between Democrat Sharon Bulova, and Republican Pat Herrity will be decided on Feb.3rd. Historically special elections produce lower voter turnout, and with a low turnout maybe Republicans can win. This possibility causes writers at the Washington Post some sleepless nights.

The Post story reminds Democrats that the special election earlier this month to replace Delegate Brian Moran didn't go as planned. The Republican candidate almost won a seat in Alexandria! The 46th district is deep blue, in fact Obama carried the 46th district by 72%. The Democrat candidate Charniele Herring won the special election by just 16 votes!

For the Post 16 votes is too close for comfort. Perhaps this story will be a wake up call for Fairfax Democrats, or at least that is the hope of the Editors of the Washington Post.

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