Following Governor Kaine’s State of the commonwealth address, the Virginia Conservative Caucus offered its own alternative last Wednesday. The Conservative Caucus is a group of conservative legislators from the Senate and House of Delegates.
The caucus agenda, which currently includes 16 items but could expand as more bills are introduced, focuses on three main goals: Creating Economic Opportunity, Strengthening Families, and Limiting Government.
The 16 point plan includes:
It includes opposition to a Democrat-initiated statewide ban on restaurant and bar smoking,
It also opposes the governor’s cost-saving proposal to allow early release of up to 90 days for nonviolent felons.
The caucus also said it would oppose bills that would reinstate the estate tax, the repeal of which Kaine signed in 2006.
It also includes several reforms to the budget and tax process to limit tax increases and improve accountability and transparency.
Conservative Caucus chairman Del. Ben Cline, R-Amherst, called the package “a positive agenda for change” on the House floor Wednesday.
Sounds to me like a good start.
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