Thursday, February 26, 2009

Kaine expresses concern about the increasingly negative Democratic Primary

Worried about the tone of the Democratic Gubernatorial primary, which is starting to resemble a circular firing squad, Governor Tim Kaine urged his fellow Democrats to stop the name calling.

In an interview with the Washington Post, Kaine expressed concern that the primary fight between Creigh Deeds, Terry McAuliffe and Brian Moran may sink the eventual winner:

"We would like to keep it in acceptable bounds," Kaine said. "I can see myself weighing with these guys, saying, 'Hey, think about November. You're acting in ways that may not be helpful in November.' "

The animosity between Moran and McAuliffe is especially strong. Terry McAuliffe, who once worked for Bill Clinton, likes to say on the campaign trail that he "will never say a negative word about a Democrat." And like his old boss he says one thing and does the opposite. Not willing to let an insult go unanswered, Moran has been quick to respond to all of McAuliffe's jabs.

This is reminiscent of the 1989 Republican primary, which was so negative that the ultimate nominee, Marshall Coleman, went into the general election with a party hopelessly divided and his campaign broke.

On June 9th Democrat primary voters will choose a nominee, but the way things are going the biggest winner may be GOP candidate Bob McDonnell.

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