Monday, November 29, 2010

Stewart Takes a Shot at Potential Senate Rival Allen

On NewsTalk with Bruce DePuyt on TBD, formerly NewsChannel 8, Prince William Board of Supervisors Chairman Corey Stewart acknowledged that he is "very seriously considering" running for the job himself, and took a shot at potential rival, and former Senator George Allen.  Many pundits believe that Allen will run for his old seat.
"Sen. Allen was a great governor of Virginia--he really was," Stewart told DePuyt. "But his record in the United States Senate was mediocre. And I don't think most people in Virginia think of him as a great United States senator. They think of him as a great governor."

Check out the this clip from the interview.


Shaun Kenney said...

Agree -- that was pretty weak. I shot back myself here:

Took on Lingamfelter, Cuccinelli, Allen, and the Catholic Church all in one day. Geez. Wikileaks couldn't have done more damage to Stewart's chances...

The Virginia Gentleman said...

Thanks Shaun for your comment. I must admit I am a big George Allen fan, and plan on supporting him if he decides to run for the Senate.