Thursday, June 12, 2014

The General Assembly Passes A Budget

The following post is from state senator Steve Martin:

"Within hours of Republicans re-taking control of the Virginia Senate, we've hammered out - and passed - a budget! Not only that, this budget ensures Medicaid expansion (no matter what you choose to call it) cannot occur without future action of the entire legislature, to appropriate the funds that would be necessary to finance it.

This budget also reflects amendments reducing some of the spending adopted by the House of Delegates during this session, and uses money from the rainy day fund to offset the announced shortfall in anticipated revenue.

For some of you, the operational language of that first sentence is "passed a budget." For others, it's the assurance of no Medicaid expansion. But along with those important phrases, it should be noted that "Republicans re-taking control" is what got it done. Clearly, the Democrats planned to run out the budget clock - and blame it on Republicans. They failed, and they are not happy about it. However, our Commonwealth and its citizens have had a great day.

To keep this majority at work for you, advancing our positive conservative message and leadership, we must win the upcoming special election in the 38th Senate District this summer. I invite all Republicans to join in this effort to advance our positive vision and record of results through this campaign, and the other opportunities to come."

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